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Lado Avesso

Communication is not possible. The shuttle has no power. Using the gravitational pull of a star to slingshot back in time? We are going to Starbase Montgomery for Engineering consultations […]

Big Bad Wolf

Communication is not possible. The shuttle has no power. Using the gravitational pull of a star to slingshot back in time? We are going to Starbase Montgomery for Engineering consultations […]

Christine Maurice

Communication is not possible. The shuttle has no power. Using the gravitational pull of a star to slingshot back in time? We are going to Starbase Montgomery for Engineering consultations […]

Gloria Waldez

Communication is not possible. The shuttle has no power. Using the gravitational pull of a star to slingshot back in time? We are going to Starbase Montgomery for Engineering consultations […]

Axe Station

Communication is not possible. The shuttle has no power. Using the gravitational pull of a star to slingshot back in time? We are going to Starbase Montgomery for Engineering consultations […]

James Dean

Communication is not possible. The shuttle has no power. Using the gravitational pull of a star to slingshot back in time? We are going to Starbase Montgomery for Engineering consultations […]